Frequently Asked Questions


What is Koala® EVM?

Koala® EVM is our complete solution for wireless device developers. Featuring ST Microelectronics' STM32F4xx series of MCUs, Koala EVM is a powerful evaluation tool for WiFi WLAN, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth BR/EDR & Bluetooth Low Energy development.

Buying and shipping

Where can I purchase a Koala EVM evaluation board?

Please complete the inquiry form here.

Programming & Software

Can I use my existing JTAG for debugging Koala EVM applications?

Yes, there is a 20 pin ARM JTAG adaptor provided for debugging the Koala EVM applications. WMI applications can be debugged by using STLink JTAG adaptor only.

Why is there both the STLink and the Clarinox Debugger?

Traditional IDEs (e.g. IAR, Keil, Eclipse) generally use an external JTAG device, whereas Koala EVM provides an on-board JTAG device – the STLink – hence eliminating extra clutter on the desk and investment to buy a separate JTAG device. This is connected via the USB mini port. This makes the Koala Board self-sufficient in terms of connecting to an IDE such as IAR or Keil (for compile/link/program FLASH memory and platform level debug).

However because Clarinox wireless protocol stack software is designed for handling complex scenarios there is benefit in providing higher level information. The Clarinox Debugger provides this high level debugging and protocol tracing capability. Koala EVM provides a second USB mini connector (USB-UART bridge) that connects to a PC USB port. Through this connection the engineer can gain enough insight information to quickly debug Bluetooth protocol stack, WiFi protocol stack, LCD, Camera, CAN bus, USB OTG etc, altogether.

The combination of STLink and Clarinox Debugger makes the Koala EVM a complete development kit for your development - whether smart watch, home automation or other innovative wireless device.

Are example applications provided?

Yes, Koala EVM ships with several test applications to help you get started.


Does the software support Apple interface over Bluetooth?

Yes, we do support External Accessory Protocol. Clarinox is a MFi partner, we can help building Apple accessories.

Bluetooth & WiFi

Do we have WiFi and Bluetooth co-existence support?

Yes, we are able to run WiFi, Bluetooth and Bluetooth low energy radios simultaneously. This means you can develop applications for these technologies separately or utilise all three in a single application.

What rates are we able to get with Bluetooth and WiFi?

We achieved over 700kb/s user data with SPP. WiFi rates of 16mb/s raw network data or 8mb/s UDP data using lwip stack can be achieved.

Is a combined Bluetooth & WiFi test application available?

Yes, we do provide a WiFi (AP or Station), SPP and BLE (GATT profile) combined application.


What roles are supported with USB OTG?

Both Device and Host roles are supported.

Can I add my own circuits to Koala EVM?

Currently we do not have an external board. But, it is possible to use WMI extension connectors to add GPIO, UART, I2C, SPI functionality to the Koala EVM.

Do I need to use an external power supply?

The STLink USB JTAG port can power most applications, including those interfacing with WiFi / Bluetooth / LCD / Camera modules simultaneously. An external adaptor would be useful if an extension board requires more power than what STLink USB JTAG port can supply.

Why are there COM8 and WMI ports available on the board?

The COM8 allows off-the-shelf wireless capability for fast Koala EVM-based development, while the WMI enables the programming and debugging of a board that can be used directly into smaller form factor prototypes. Having both connections available provides more flexibility to the developer. By providing this level of flexibility the Koala EVM helps speed development.

The WMI modules have the same powerful features as the Koala EVM but are small enough to use directly in a prototype. We did not keep the JTAG programmer or the USB debug interface, or Ethernet controller on the WMI modules - instead of all these components are available via the Koala EVM.

You can start with a Wilink-8 WiFi/Bluetooth/BLE combo module, refine and debug/program with WMI module on Koala EVM and once you are happy with the design, now you instantly have a small form factor solution! The next step is build your own flying quad-copter, robot or whatever. Clarinox is developing further WMI modules, some smaller footprint versions, some with additional sensors.