Clarinox awards

Australian IoT Awards

Clarinox Technologies achieved Highly Commended for ClarinoxBlue and ClarinoxWiFi for Best IoT product or platform in 2018


Intel APEC Challenge 2013

Clarinox Technologies was the 2013 Australian winner in the Intel APEC Challenge.


EDN Innovation Awards

Clarinox Technologies was awarded the Best Application of Design Software Category 2009 for ClarinoxSoftFrame Suite. The EDN Australia Innovation Awards recognise and reward excellence in electronics design, manufacture and test from Australian companies. The awards are presented to companies demonstrating technological innovation and design creativity.



Clarinox Technologies received the Victorian Merit Award in the AIIA iAwards within the Tools and Infrastructure category in 2009 for ClarinoxSoftFrame. The iAwards are Australia's leading ICT industry awards. Each year, the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) runs the iAwards as the Australian member of the Asia-Pacific ICT Alliance Awards (APICTA). It is a prestigious award to receive and Clarinox thanks AIIA, the Victorian government and all contributors to the iAwards.


Australian Technology Showcase Award

Clarinox Technologies was honoured to be listed as a finalist for the ATS Patrons award 2007; an award scheme that spans across all innovation sectors and industries.